For the description of colours of individual layers there are different possibilities to connect different codes or dictionary entries.
The colour assignment is done under "Layers" (1) by selecting the layer to be edited. The question mark button in the "Colour" field (2) opens the corresponding dictionary (3).
Subsequently, the colour(s) can be assigned. Only one code (a colour or colour description) can be selected via the dictionary and added to the description using the "Apply" button (4). To select more than one key, repeat the procedure from step 2. Alternatively, the keys can also be entered directly in the "Colour" field.
There are different possibilities for the description of the colours, depending on the number of colours and attributes used.
Possible combinations for one colour
For one colour there are a total of three possibilities for the description (further explanations can be found in the table below):
- Colour: This can be a colour (e.g. yellow, green, grey) as well as a colour shade (e.g. brownish, reddish, greenish).
- Brightness: In addition to the colour, its brightness (e.g. light, dark) can also be described. The codes for the attribute brightness are placed in brackets "()" behind the colour. !ATTENTION: This is only possible for colours, NOT for colour shades!
- Position: Hereby the position (e.g. top, bottom) of the colour within a layer in the bore hole can be defined in more detail. The codes for the attribute position are placed in brackets "()" behind the colour. !ATTENTION: This is only possible for colours, NOT for shades!
Possible combinations for two colours
For two colours there are a total of nine possibilities for the description (for further explanations see the table below):
- Colour: Besides the main colour (e.g. grey, blue, red) it is possible to add a second colour to the description. This can be a colour shade (e.g. brownish, yellowish). Keys for secondary colours are placed in brackets "()" after the main colour.
- Colour range: is indicated by a hyphen "-" between the two colours. !ATTENTION: This is only possible for colours, NOT for colour shades!
- Colour progression: is marked by a plus sign "+" between the two colours.
- Colour range and position: In addition to the hyphen "-" between the two colours, a more detailed description of their position within the layer can be added to each of the two colours by placing the corresponding code for the position in brackets after the respective colour. !ATTENTION: This is only possible for colours, NOT for colour shades!
- Colour range and arrangement or brightness: same principle as under 4., only the codes used in brackets change.
- Colour range, brightness and arrangement: In addition to the hyphen "-" between the two colours, a more precise description of their brightness or arrangement/distribution in the layer can be added to each of the two colours by placing the corresponding code in brackets after the respective colour. However, each colour can only be described by one attribute. The other attribute is assigned to the other colour if required. !ATTENTION: This is only possible for colours, NOT for colour shades!
- Colour range, brightness and position or colour range, arrangement and position: same principle as under 6., only the codes used in brackets change.
Possible combinations for more than two colours
The use of more than two colours is possible by separating the colours with a comma ",". In addition to assigning multiple colours to a layer, these colours can also be described in more detail by using the attributes mentioned above (colour, brightness, position, arrangement/distribution, colour range and colour progression).
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