In GeoDin, the various standards for recording drilling or general geodata are referred to as object types. An object type consists of a fixed set of input forms, dictionaries as well as fill patterns & symbols that have been adapted to the applicable standards and configured for specific purposes.
The acquisition of drilling or geodata in GeoDin is always linked to an object type. The object type specifies which input forms and dictionaries as well as fill patterns and symbols are available for collecting data and thus determines the type and structure of the associated tables in your GeoDin databases. The various GeoDin object types are configured for different purposes and are based on applicable standards such as EN ISO 22475, ISO 14688/14689 or BS 5930:1999. Features and areas of application of the most common object types can be found in other articles in our Help Centre:
Geotechnical investigation EN ISO 22475
Miscellaneous object types (e. g. Climate monitoring station)
Universal Geotechnical Standard (UGS)
GeoDin comes with certain object types when it is installed. It is also possible to install additional object types at any later time via the "System" tab of the GeoDin user interface (see screenshot below). Object types that have already been installed can also be updated or removed directly in the application itself.
All files belonging to an object type are saved in the Syslib directory of your GeoDin installation. The properties of the installed object types - i.e. the version of the object type, dictionaries, input forms, fill patterns and symbols - can be viewed via the "System" tab in GeoDin (see screenshot below).
Dictionaries can be customised or extended for most object types in the GeoDin system.
Further information on the handling of object types can be found at:
Installing object types
GeoDin - Data collection
Choosing the object type
As object types cannot usually be converted into each other by the user, the object type should be selected carefully before starting the actual data acquisition.
You can take a look at various object types in the GeoDin demo databases and check their suitability for the geodata you want to collect.
We recommend that you discuss the choice of object type with any clients in advance. The GeoDin team will be happy to advise you on the choice of object type for your projects.
If you require object types that are customised to your individual needs, please contact Fugro Germany through with your request. After discussing the details, we will be happy to provide you with a suitable quotation.
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